Feigning elegance in skateboarding.

Thursday, July 9, 2015

On Bumming Out Simpletons

     I'm flattered that this mystery photographer cared enough about what I was doing to take action (however feeble and passive it may be), as well as impressed by their ability to time a skateboard photo. They caught it right on top of the lipslide with the filmer and the homie in the foreground. They totally captured the, like, skater lifestyle. I mean, they're no Atiba, but that is an okay flick for "a neighbor who lives along the trail" that disapproves of skating, therefore, probably knows nothing about it. Good job, you scared simp. 
     If you had been watching for at least ten minutes, you would have noticed that you were the only  one to receive the activity in a negative manner. There were dozens of families with small children, people walking dogs and riding bikes, police officers, and construction workers along that area of the trail, none of whom expressed any opposition to our skating, and for all of whom we waited to pass safely before trying our dangerous skateboard tricks. You are a close-minded individual. You don't realize that skateboarders are mindful people, and that they will treat you with respect if you do the same. 
     The thing about a vantage point is that it tells us the location from where you shot your picture. And thanks to your photo credit on DNAinfo's website, we know that's where you live. You are right next to the best spot along the entire trail, which is inevitably going to be skated not only by myself, but by numerous other skaters for years into the future. Come the end of summer, the 606 is not going to be hot news anymore. People won't be flocking up there to roll their strollers down the center line. Foot traffic is going to die down. The hype is going to wear off, but that spot, and all the other ones, will still be there. And so will the skaters. Knowing that it's you up there, hiding below the windowsill with your little camera, makes any encounter with the police well worth my time, as long as it annoyed you. 

Click here to see what else you shouldn't do on the 606.